155 Main St., Hulett, Wyoming
Gallery: 307-467-5849
Cell: 805-400-7706
Original Chine Colle' Etchings

Original Chine Colle' Etching

“When this weather quits,… you can stiffen your hat back up with sugar water,…n’ hell,… if yer ever hard up fer food,…you can eat the som-bitch”
sold out
Chine Colle' Etching

Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: 5 a.m. ” the riddle of the chuck wagon,… Where the hells the coffee? !”
Three New Etchings 2012

Title: “A chip …off the old block !”

Wild Bill, Deadwood 1876:
“Union Army Officer, Army Scout, Lightning Fast Gunfighter, Feared Law Man,Stagecoach Driver, Gambler, Actor, Marksman,Buffalo Hunter,Showman,Gold Miner,…
Toughest man west,…of anyplace east,.., even his dog chews tobacco, drinks whiskey,…and gets drunk!”
(Etching does NOT have BobCoronato.com across image)
original for Deadwood Rodeo Poster 2012

Wild and Woolly:
“Its dangerous at both ends,… and uncomfortable in the middle !”
original for Deadwood Rodeo Poster 2012

Jackson Sundown – Blanket of the Sun:
“He fought with Chief Joseph,… escaped the U.S. cavalry to join Sitting Bull and returned years later to beat the cowboys at their own Game. At age 53 He became the first American Indian to win the World Saddle Bronc Championship and was crowned the All- Around Cowboy at the Pendleton Round -Up in 1916”
edition 50
original for Pednleton Round-Up Poster 2016
Original Chine Colle' Etching

World Champion Indian Relay Race:
“With his horse medicine and visionary paint, the horse becomes an extension of the warrior himself.
Fast and dangerous, the Indian Relay keeps alive a vital link to Native tradition, heritage
and family connections,…in the dramatic race for honor!”
Frame style (one style !)

It Don’t Get Much Gooder ! :
“He aint crazy,… but he can darn sure see it from where hes at !”
Ed. 75
original for Miles City Bucking Horse Sale Poster 2014

“Lodges of the Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla ,… A Pendleton Round-Up tribal tradition. Make camp,… and bed down with us ! ”
Ed. 45
original for Pednleton Round-Up Poster 2016

The Epic Drama of the West:
“Perpetuating the spirit of western rowdyism,… through which the west is known ! ”
Ed. 50
original for Pednleton Round-Up Poster 2016

Yellow Bull at Chief Josephs funeral:
” Treat all men alike. Give them the same laws. Give them all an even chance to live and grow. All men were made by the same Great Spirit Chief. They are all brothers. The earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it. Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself — and I will obey every law or submit to the penalty.” Chief Joseph 1879
Ed. 50
original for Cody Stampede Poster 2014

“Just another day,… at the office !”
Ed 50
original for Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo Poster 2015

“Buffalo Bills” beautiful but deadly 1866 rifle , “Old Lucretia Borgia”:
” I felt only as a man can feel who is roaming over the prairies of the far west, well armed, and mounted on a fleet and gallant steed ” William F. Cody
Ed. 45
original for Cody Stampede Rodeo Poster 2014

Hanging on to the traditions of our past and the way things used to be ! :
” Action so fast,… even in slow motion its a blurr ! ”
Ed 44
original for Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo Poster 2015
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Seth Bullock, Deadwood Gulch 1876
When the only law was fearlessness, character and uncompromising values,…
It was also said “his stare was as cold as a bankers hear!”
Cowboy Contract Original Etching!
50.00 for the original Chine Colle Etching + 12.99 shipping (unframed)
This etching was created for the Pendleton Round- Up poster 2016 as seen in the lower right of the poster.
For those that may want the Original Art to go along with the poster, or possibly just hang in your place of business.
and each is signed and hand pulled

Signed in lower right
original for Pendleton Round-Up Rodeo Poster 2016
Cheyenne Frontier Days : " High-Class,... and Cowboy ! "!
50.00 for the original Chine Colle Etching + 12.99 shipping (unframed)
This etching was created for the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo poster 2015 as seen in the lower right of the poster.
For those that may want the Original Art to go along with the poster, or possibly just hang in your place of business.
and each is signed and hand pulled (only 28 in edition )

Cheyenne Frontier Days :
” High – Class,… and Cowboy ! ”
Ed. 28
original for Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo Poster 2015
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Fort Worth Texas to Miles City Montana:”Texas Hindu…a steer imbued with the spirit of the plains,…
plus a little attitude!”
Cheyenne Frontier Days : " Call yer friends,... it's a hell of a time,... one night, I spent a week there ! "!
50.00 for the original Chine Colle Etching + 12.99 shipping (unframed)
This etching was created for the Cheyenne frontier Days poster 2015 as seen in the lower center of the poster.
For those that may want the Original Art to go along with the poster
each is signed and hand pulled (only 15 in edition )

Cheyenne Frontier Days :
” Call yer friends,… it’s a hell of a time,… one night, I spent a week there ! ”
Ed. 15
original for Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo Poster 2015
Original Chine Colle' Etching (only 12)

“In the north country, there’s no such thing as bad weather…
only,… the wrong clothes ”
*only 12 in edition
Bobby Kerr " Mr. Mustang " : " Run'n buddies ! "!
50.00 for the original Chine Colle Etching + 12.99 shipping (unframed)
This etching was created for the Pendleton Round-Up Rodeo Poster 2016 as seen in the lower left of the poster.
For those that may want the Original Art to go along with the poster
each is signed and hand pulled (only 25 in edition )

Bobby Kerr ” Mr. Mustang ” :
” Run’n buddies ! ”
Ed. 25
original for Pendleton Round-Up Rodeo Poster 2016
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title : “High Roller”
Sold Out
Original Chine Colle

Title: Gather’n yearlings in the fall: “The west is still alive, its just hid’n in small corners of our country ,..trying desperatly to hang on,…and not be forgotton”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: Wyoming/Montana Border: “No place for Amateurs”
Sold Out
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “Singing ,…over the bones”
Original Chine Colle

Title: “Where does a cowboy go,..when theres no more range left to ride”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: Giving power to the relay horses: “Ride today,… with the sound of thunder, blinding force of lightning and rain down hail upon my enemy”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: ” Thems a bunch-a bronc stomp’n,…sunfish’n,…sons-o-bitches!”
Sold Out
Original Chine Colle Etching with leather bound book

Title: “Today we will look our best,… And you will take me where I want to go,… Tomorrow they will tell stories of our deeds!” This Etching was created for the book Native American Horsemasks. The original etching came with the first 125 leatherbound special edition books. Sold as a pair
*******please note*******
only 75 were actually produced and the book plates were destroyed.
only 6 available
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: 4 a.m. “Aint work’n cows fer the money,…it means more than money to me…I’m liv’n life way out here, but i’m liv’n life nearly free”
This Etching is available in both black and blue ink.

Title: “Ride’n the ridges,… of the p.k.”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “Wyoming Wild Ride”
Sold Out
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “Ed Boreiens old rig “
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: Rancheros Visitadores 75th Anniversary trek: “If you can’t live it up,…you wont live it down! “
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “I may not be much of a bronc ride’r ,…but my get offs,… are classic”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: Ride’n an outlaw: “It can dang sure get western”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “the critters horns,…aint fer Honk’n”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “He was crow hop’n.. and knock’n my fillings out”
original Chine colle' etching

Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: Carson thomas maker: ” the saddle artist”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “A Good rig,… a great horse,… and a beautiful day,..is all you need to create a feel’n you will never forget”
Original Chine Colle' Etching (very few left)

Title: “Memories of a man in his old age,..are the deeds of a man in his prime” (only a few artist proofs left)
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “Once free,…an in harmony with nature “
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title Crow Agency Montana: “In the early hours of crow fair, the worlds time,… seems to have no signifigance”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: Ridge Montana 2000: “The Last of the true brand crews… The chuck wagon rolled out one more time”
Original Chine Colle

Title: “He peeled the bark off his head, lost a boot,… and kilt the sage brush where he landed,…Im tell’n ya he came down hard!”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “Today is a good day to die,…hoka hey!”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: Ridge Montana: “The kind of rodeo…you could really get off the pavement “
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: The American Cowboy: “the freedom of the west , and the wide open spaces…Have been a symbol of our great country. As our lives become more regimented, and the rules become more numerous, we long for those places of freedom.”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “An unhurried sence of time,… is in itself, a form of wealth”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “Nobody rides fer noth’n,…so step up and pay the price”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “The good O’l saddle shop was at 40th and Plum….40 miles to town,…and plum at the end of the road”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “If ya toss a rope 5 times and miss…the only thing left to do,..is lie!”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “Ride’n Blood Brother..”I thought I got on backwards,…cus I never once saw his head”
Original Chine Colle' Etching

Title: “Lonesome creates diseases,…friendships cure”

Hulett Municipal Airport Stamp

Logo design for Hulett Municipal Airport stamp
Centenial For The First National Monument Devils Tower

1ooth anniversary of the first National Monument Devils Tower.
The logo for the centenial of Devils Tower was drawn by Bob Coronato.