155 Main St., Hulett, Wyoming
Gallery: 307-467-5849
Cell: 805-400-7706
Welcome to Rogues Gallery & Devils Tower Museum , Hulett Wyoming
Please call to make sure we are open for you, sometimes I’m out trail’n cows!
Call 307-467-5849
Cell 805-400-7706
E-Mail bcoronato@msn.com
The museum is seasonal. It opens in May and closes around October
Open 23 hours a day! ……. If you stop by and we are not there,… that’s the hour we were closed.
Art Studio of Bob Coronato - Antique Shop - Old West Museum

We are located in Hulett Wyoming on the way to Devils Tower. I open around May 1st and close around October.
” If I here from complete strangers, one more time how AWESOME your museum is…I’ll freekin blow my brains out! “
(Art Dealer in Texas)
Quotes from Random tourists from sign in ledger in museum
” This is one of the coolest places ive been to,… and Ive been everywere !”
Mark from Jackson Miss.
” You Are Shitting Me ! “
from Hurrican Utah
” I drove 100 miles out of my way on a recommendation,…There is cool stuff up front but when you go into that back room,… you transport in time,…Its unbelievable, it transcends anything else you will see out here ! “
John New Jersey

Inside the Gallery and Museum

Rare Jim Bridger Tintype
I recently was out running around looking for Mantiques,… and found this great old tintype of a frontiersman, that looked familiar to me. On the reverse it was written Laramie Wyo, so I took it to the master,…google, and I looked up images of early important people to wyomings history.
I could not believe it, it was Jim Bridger.
There are very few examples of photos of Jim Bridger, to date there are but four.
I compared the eyes, tip of the nose and the creases on the face, using an overlay, and they matched up exact. I will have the photo on display in the museum for anyone to visit.
James “Jim” Bridger (b. March 17, 1804 in richmond Va. – d. July 17, 1881 south side Kansas City /missourri) was among the foremost mountain men, trappers, scouts and guides who explored and trapped the Western United States during the decades of 1820-1850, as well as mediating between native tribes and encroaching whites. He was of English ancestry, and his family had been in North America since the early colonial period.
Jim Bridger had a strong constitution that allowed him to survive the extreme conditions he encountered walking the Rocky Mountains from what would become southern Colorado to the Canadian border. He had conversational knowledge of French, Spanish and several native languages. He would come to know many of the major figures of the early west, including Brigham Young, Kit Carson, George Armstrong Custer, John Fremont, Joseph meek, and John sutter.
Jim Bridger was well known during his life and after-wards as a teller of tall tales. Some of Bridger’s stories—about the geysers at Yellowstone, for example—proved to be true. Others were clearly intended to amuse. Thus, one of Bridger’s stories involved a “petrified forest” in which there were “petrified birds” singing “petrified songs” (though he may have seen the petrified trees in the Tower Junction area of what is now Yellowstone National Park). Over the years, Bridger became so associated with the tall-tale form that many stories invented by others were attributed to him.
Supposedly one of Bridger’s favorite yarns to tell to greenhorns was about being pursued by one hundred Cheyenne warriors. After being chased for several miles, Bridger found himself at the end of a box canyon, with the Indians bearing down on him. At this point, Bridger would go silent, prompting his listener to ask, “What happened then, Mr. Bridger?” Bridger would reply, “They killed me.”
Read more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Bridger

During Sturgis Bike Week